Sunday, September 30, 2007

My First Blog

Rebuilding Osiris refers to my favourite myth. The story of Osiris and Isis. They were the two Gods that the Egyptians mainly prayed to. They were lovers, and they were parents to their son Horus. One time Osiris was attacked by the lord of the unworld, Sept. Sept is the Egyptian equvalent of Satan. Sept defeats Osiris and destroys his remains. Osiris is then broken down into billions of peices and scatered throughout the stars. Isis, in her grief sets out on a journey to collect the remains of her lover, in the hope of reconstituting or rebuilding him. Now that is love.

This is my favourite story because in a way I have personalized it. At this very moment I feel like Osiris. A being of emense potential but is torn apart by the Sept of my mind or of my life. I feel somewhat torn apart and made to feel less than whole. In a way I want to find my Isis, who will help me collect every part of me so that I may be whole again. I'm not saying that I want to be dependant on a woman or anyone for that matter. But would'nt it be nice to have such a lover and a friend who would be willing to be that caring. This myth says so much about the potential of love, and serves as a reminder of what love truly is. Don't think for a second that this a one sided deal. Should I find my Isis I would also commit such an act of love. At times I've been involved with some women in such a way and was told that I could only be a friend. By they're words and attitudes they seem to suggest that love is a casual thing. In any case it does'nt matter, it just means that they were not the ones for me. And so the search continues. For parts of myself and for Isis...